Hi, I’m Dr. Jonathan BrajTbord,
I’m a Urologist, an integrative physician, and a men’s lifestyle expert, and I help men like you do the inner work required to turn your life and body around.
I am a father of 3 young children, married to an amazing entrepreneurial priestess.
Together we own a farm outside of Boston, MA.
As a Urologist, men come to see me every day with erectile dysfunction, testicular pain, urinary issues, pelvic pain, weight gain, and anxiety. Most men think that something is wrong with their body and they want pill to fix it. Sometimes that’s the case, but most often it’s their life that’s causing these physical diseases. What is really unfortunate is that the men who just want a pill, will truly never be happy, and will leave a trail of unhappy people in their wake.

Often, men feel like hapless passengers in their own life.
On the surface, we have a fantastic appearing life- wife, kids, house, steady job—yet we lack emotional depth, purpose, vitality and passion.
We feel stuck in the world and life that we created, unable to find time to make a change and addicted to a paycheck.
Our bodies start to deteriorate leaving us feeling weak and insecure.
Our wives are looking for more from us and we don’t understand why or how to respond and what to give them. Often the senseless arguing continues and our frustration and resentment grow until our wives stop becoming the beautiful, seductive, feminine women we fell in love with and resemble nothing but a nagging business partner quick to point out every flaw and transgression, leaving us more despondent and angry than before (speaking from experience…)
If you’re like most men, this cycle continues until your body starts to send you signals you ignore like weight gain, erectile dysfunction, or pelvic pain.
You may end up in a divorce, ripping apart the fabric of your family and your children’s lives, or your life becomes a shallow and hollow existence. It doesn’t have to end this way. There is a different path.
You, and only you, have the ability to start making massive changes in your life, relationships, and career.
My program Men’s Work: A Guys Guide to Growth will help you become a man who does the inner work required to have a healthy body, a great marriage, a fulfilling career, and a meaningful life.
my story:
One day I woke up and realized I had everything I had worked so hard for, but was miserable. I had just completed 11 years of post-college medical training. I had graduated from one of the most prestigious urology training programs in the country, had a fantastic job at the premier private practice in the Boston area, an incredible home, 2 great kids, and one on the way. Life was supposed to be awesome. The pinnacle of years of training and hard work.
For some reason I was pissed. I was a dick to my wife, Sarah, picking fights, ruining romantic date nights by getting into stupid arguments. I had no patience for my kids, often yelling at them for the smallest issue. I was drinking too much. I convinced myself that since for the first time in 11 years I was the primary breadwinner, I didn’t have to do anything around the house. I was annoyed when Sarah didn’t do the dishes or clean up the kitchen.

In my mind, nothing was wrong. This was just me, and this was our life.

Sarah, on the other hand, was having none of this.
My wife has been on the path to self-improvement and self-discovery as long as we have been together — 15 years. The road has been full of twists and turns, but she has been learning, growing, changing, and dreaming.
One of Sarah’s favorite activities was to dream of our future together — what our home looked like, our family, our carriers. I hated this. I hated when Sarah would ask me to imagine our life in 5 years. When she would ask me my dreams or share a part of her dreams, I would take it as an indictment on our current life. I felt immense frustration and didn’t understand why she wasn’t happy enough. Inevitably this process would end with me getting angry and frustrated, and Sarah in tears.
One night, Sarah had enough. I am sick of this shit. I need to be able to dream with my partner.
Her words were simple. She probably had said something like this countless times before, but the tears were new. And they hit me like a punch in the gut.
Sitting next to her watching her cry with tears streaming down her face after I gave some smart-ass answer to the question she loved the most, I realized that my relationship was in trouble. I might have just pushed things too far one too many times. And, most importantly, I was tired of making my wife cry.
Something had to change.
The truth is, Sarah’s dreams were so big that they scared me. I was terrified of feeling like a failure if I couldn’t deliver on her grand dreams. I created a story that Sarah had such big dreams that there was no way I could fill them and so it was easier just not to dream at all. I didn’t realize the importance of being able to dream with her.
As she sat next to me crying, literally sobbing, I closed my eyes and saw my future. I saw her walking out on me. I saw her taking the kids. I was alone in a tiny ass apartment with nothing. My family was gone. The life I had was gone. I was immersed in a profound sadness and I felt it deep in my core. I saw where life was heading for me.
What was I so scared of that I was choosing this life of sadness and isolation?
What was I scared of facing in my own life that I needed to sabotage myself to protect? What was really the source of my anger, frustration, and impatience?
Sure, I wasn’t choosing that future reality consciously, but I knew enough to understand that’s where I was heading. I listened to my wife’s sobs, allowing her sadness to wash over me. I felt the weight of her disappointment. I felt the weight of my own shame in bringing so much sadness to my wife.
That night, I committed to changing.
I committed to facing my fears of inadequacy and failure.
I committed to taking back control of my life.
Men’s Work is a compilation of lessons I have learned throughout my own self-discovery and self-improvement process.
As a physician, I see countless men in my practice who experience manifestations of their fears, stress, anxiety, marital, and professional issues. This program is designed to provide men the foundation to look at their own life and create fundamental practices to begin to shift and create massive change.
Men’s Work is a place for men who are new to inner work, to go and get advice, support, and begin to make substantive and real changes in their lives. Men’s self-improvement is not taboo or weird. It’s not just for new age hippies or men out there with no families or responsibilities. You don’t have to go on a year-long pilgrimage to an ashram in India, take a sabbatical from work, have an affair, or neglect your daily and life responsibilities.
I am of the firm belief that men can grow and change within the context and foundation of the life they have created. It just takes commitment, creativity, and a shifting of priorities.
This space and its content are designed for men who want to grow and improve themselves.
Men who are looking for a deeper connection with their spouse
More passionate and meaningful sex
More balance in their life
Connection with their children
More meaning in their professional working life
Improvement in their health
Breaking old and limiting thought patterns

I can help you make small and substantive changes in your life that will improve your relationship with your significant other and your kids, help you find more meaning in your work and life, and help you lead a healthier life.