Men’s Work Continuation Container


Once you have completed a round of Men’s Work: Inner Work for Professional Men, I invite you to remain engaged in the work through our Continuation Container.

In this experience, you will continue to connect with men who are committed to their growth through monthly Zoom calls on the second Tuesday evening of every month, 8:30-9:30pm ET.

These Zoom calls will be similar to the sessions we did throughout Men’s Work.

Men in this experience will also receive weekly workouts and updates, along with a monthly newsletter to help you continue to grow, expand and improve your physical fitness.

I’m really excited to be able to offer men who have completed my online program, Men’s Work: Inner Work for Professional Men, a place to remain connected to the work and engaged with men who are growth oriented and striving to be the best versions of themselves.




monthly payment


per month

Annual Payment


per year


**We ask that you commit to 3 months of the continuation container and then you can cancel anytime.