The physiology of Men’s emotions and how they affect our bodies
As a urologist, I see hundreds of men with a wide range of health issues. Throughout my years of training in medical school and residency, and now as an attending physician and surgeon, I have come to fully embrace the truth – that our emotions can have a huge impact on our bodies and present as very real physical symptoms.
The physiology of our emotions—stress, fears, sadness, and anxiety can all impact our health in huge ways. Often we look to solve our physical symptoms by addressing the physical problem, without acknowledging an underlying fear or anxiety that can not only make this physical sensation worse but also can be playing a role in the root cause of the issue.
Our emotional state can impact our sleep, digestion, energy, and ability to physically move our bodies in a desired way. As a urologist, I encounter countless men who express a physical manifestation of their anxiety, stress, and fears as having a difficult time getting and maintaining an erection, having testicular pain, and having urinary symptoms.
This guide is meant to serve as a roadmap to help you understand how your internal state can impact your physical body, and what you can do about it.