An online program for men who are ready to do the inner work required to have a healthy body, a great relationship and a meaningful life… even if you think that working on yourself is weird or a waste of time.

Men’s Work is the Guys Guide to Growth.

A no bullshit, no frills online program to help men go from being in cruise control to have an active, intentional life filled with passion and purpose.


In this program we explore these three main themes. 

  • How to create a strong, functional, and healthy body

  • How to have a purposeful, intentional, and fulfilling life at home and at the office

  • How to be the husband you always wanted to be but never knew how


About Jonathan

I thought what I needed to be happy was the high paying successful job, a perfect family, and a big house.

I worked really hard for eleven years to achieve these lofty goals. I sacrificed my happiness  for years believing that my unhappiness in my life would eventually get better. Once I got the perfect job and the big house, I was still miserable.

The one thing I needed was the one thing I avoided- inner work.

This program is the fast track version of everything I’ve learned over the past several years.