Create a healthy body, a great relationship, and a meaningful life in 40 days…
even if you think that
working on yourself is
weird or a waste of time.
If you’re A man who…
Has always tried to do the right thing- who worked hard in school, went to a good college, and got a good-paying, responsible job…. Maybe you tried to follow the rules and do what other men were doing - you married the woman you loved, you had children, and you bought the house. And you continue to try and be the good man, even if you’re exhausted.
And yet, everyone seems to be unhappy and pissed at you.
Your wife feels dissatisfied and whatever you’re doing can’t seem to be enough. And I’m sure you feel like you just can’t do it anymore. You’re tapped. You’re at capacity. You’ve been trying to follow the rules, you’ve been trying to do it right, but somehow you’re left scratching your head wondering What. The. Fuck?
And I also bet that you...
...have noticed that your body is deteriorating as you’re getting older. You’re not able to chase the kids around your yard without getting winded. You’ve packed on an extra 10 pounds and feel sluggish and more exhausted in the afternoon, but can’t seem to make it to the gym consistently.
...want more sex and connection with your wife, but the truth is you haven’t asked her out on a date in months - maybe even years, and you’ve forgotten how to sweep her off her feet.
...know what you need to do to get your life back on track. You might even have a list written down somewhere of things to accomplish or goals you’ve committed to, but you never seem to stick to it. You lose the list or it gets buried on your dresser under the pile of life’s crap that seems endless.
...realize that you need to get your kids out of your bedroom so you can finally have your space back with your wife, but you just never rip off the band-aid.
...know you need to go back to the gym and start moving your body to feel healthier, but you just can’t seem to make the time.
But what you may not know is that
Doing more
Being more successful
Or trying harder
Will not make you happier, more satisfied or make your wife more open to you.

The only thing that can truly make you happy is doing inner work.
You probably think I’m crazy because you’ve been conditioned to believe that men should just be able to “handle” their emotions, that they shouldn’t even have emotions, or that being sensitive makes you weak. For most men, this means stuffing these emotions down, ignoring them, and pushing them below the surface. The problem, however, is these emotions will always find a way to the surface, and not in healthy ways.
Feelings of discontentment and sadness can come out in unhealthy behaviors such as drinking and drug use. The annoyance in your life will often be the fuel for lashing out and impatience at your wife and kids. Sometimes, these feelings will have a physical manifestation of pain or erectile dysfunction. This is what I often see in my medical practice, and I am on a mission to get men to see that they don’t need a pill, they need inner work.
It’s time to end this stigma that inner work isn’t for men and get men, and you, the support that you actually need to thrive.
“During Men’s Work, I have never felt better nor had a clearer mind on how I wanted to live my life. This is exactly what I needed. It covers everything men need including connection, emotional well-being, workouts, and breath work. I found the investment incredibly affordable given the value of the program. I really believe this should be non-negotiable for all men.” — Ron
We are creating a “new normal” for men.
Men in the Men’s Work community do not accept the narrative or societal definitions of what it means to be a man in today’s world.
Men in the Men’s Work community believe that financial support without an emotional connection to their partner and children should not be accepted as the standard for a man in his life.
Men in the Men’s Work community want something more for themselves and the world around them.
Men in the Men’s Work community desire a career with purpose, a relationship with passion, and a playful connection with their children.
Men in the Men’s Work community don’t hold back their feelings but know their emotions and sensitivity are what makes them powerful.
Men in the Men’s Work community make space for rest, friendship, and physical health, and know that it is important.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce you to:
Inner Work for Professional Men: A no-bullshit, no-frills online program to help men go from being in cruise control to having an active, intentional life filled with passion and purpose.
In Men’s Work, you will learn basic yet fundamental strategies to help you
Have the healthiest body possible for you
Reclaim your role as a husband and father
Cultivate deep purpose and freedom
Men’s Work is right for you if...
Your life looks great on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a mess.
No matter how much “direction” you try to create, the truth is that you just don’t feel like you have your life figured out.
You feel like you should love your life, but you just feel like something is missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it.
You have “everything a man should want”: a great job, an amazing wife, and healthy kids, and yet you want more, but you feel bad about that and wonder if it means you don’t love your wife and kids enough (hint: that’s not the issue).
You want to have a strong and healthy body, but you just can’t seem to make the time.
You used to be so in sync and in love with your wife, but there’s just a chasm between you now, and you don’t know how to cross it.
You secretly hope that your life could be bigger, more adventurous, and have more freedom, but you wonder if you just need to settle for this boxed-in, mediocre life and just get over yourself. You have to be “responsible”.
If you’re finding yourself nodding your head, you’re not alone. I felt the same way.
“I was really skeptical about joining a paid men’s group, but all I can say is that Men’s Work has helped me so much. I have a much more positive outlook on life and my marriage has really improved. I now work out regularly and feel a deeper connection with my son.” — Max
Here’s my story:
One day I woke up and realized I had everything I had worked so hard for but was miserable.
I had just completed 11 years of post-college medical training. I had graduated from one of the most prestigious urology training programs in the country, had a fantastic job at the premier private practice in the Boston area, an incredible home, 2 great kids, and one on the way. Life was supposed to be awesome. The pinnacle of years of training and hard work.
For some reason I was pissed. I was a dick to my wife, Sarah, picking fights, and ruining romantic date nights by getting into stupid arguments. I had no patience for my kids, often yelling at them for the smallest issue. I was drinking too much. I convinced myself that since for the first time in 11 years I was the primary breadwinner, I didn’t have to do anything around the house. I was annoyed when Sarah didn’t do the dishes or clean up the kitchen.
In my mind, nothing was wrong. This was just me and this was our life.
Sarah, on the other hand, was having none of this.
My wife has been on the path to self-improvement and self-discovery as long as we have been together — 15 years. The road has been full of twists and turns, but she has been learning, growing, changing, and dreaming.
One of Sarah’s favorite activities was to dream of our future together — what our home looked like, our family, and our careers. I hated this. I hated when Sarah would ask me to imagine our life in 5 years. When she would ask me about my dreams or share a part of her dreams, I would take it as an indictment of our current life. I felt immense frustration and didn’t understand why she wasn’t happy enough. Inevitably this process would end with me getting angry and frustrated and Sarah in tears.
One night, Sarah had enough. I am sick of this shit. I need to be able to dream with my partner.
Her words were simple. She probably had said something like this countless times before, but the tears were new. And they hit me like a punch in the gut.
Sitting next to her watching her cry with tears streaming down her face after I gave some smart-ass answer to the question she loved the most, I realized that my relationship was in trouble. I might have just pushed things too far one too many times. And, most importantly, I was tired of making my wife cry. Something had to change.
The truth is, Sarah’s dreams were so big that they scared me.
I created a story that Sarah had such big dreams that there was no way I could fill them and so it was easier just not to dream at all. I didn’t realize the importance of being able to dream with her.
As she sat next to me crying, literally sobbing, I closed my eyes and saw my future. I saw her walking out on me. I saw her taking the kids. I was alone in a tiny ass apartment with nothing. My family was gone. The life I had was gone. I was immersed in profound sadness and I felt it deep in my core. I saw where life was heading for me.
What was I so scared of that I was choosing this life of sadness and isolation? What was I scared of facing in my own life that I needed to sabotage myself to protect? What was really the source of my anger, frustration, and impatience?
Sure, I wasn’t choosing that future reality consciously, but I knew enough to understand that’s where I was heading. I listened to my wife’s sobs, allowing her sadness to wash over me. I felt the weight of her disappointment. I felt the weight of my own shame in bringing so much sadness to my wife.
That night, I committed to changing. I committed to facing my fears of inadequacy and failure. I committed to taking back control of my life.

Men’s Work is a compilation of lessons I have learned throughout my own self-discovery and self-improvement process. As a physician, I see countless men in my practice who experience manifestations of their fears, stress, anxiety, marital, and professional issues.
This program is designed to provide men the foundation to look at their own life and create fundamental practices to begin to shift and create massive change.
Men’s Work is a place for men who are new to inner work, to go and get advice, and support, and begin to make substantive and real changes in their lives. Men’s self-improvement is not taboo or weird. It’s not just for new-age hippies or men out there with no families or responsibilities. You don’t have to go on a yearlong pilgrimage to an ashram in India, take a sabbatical from work, have an affair, or neglect your daily and life responsibilities.
I am of the firm belief that men can grow and change within the context and foundation of the life they have created. It just takes commitment, creativity, and a shifting of priorities.
“The best part about men’s work for me was having a sense of accountability for creating the life I wanted. I learned how to think more intentionally about how to show up in my relationships and I was honestly shocked by how many other men are going through similar struggles. I now have an incredible sense of camaraderie.” — Geoff
We believe that you can…
Be the man who has their shit together
Be the man who has a great marriage
Be the man who has hot sex with their wife
Be the man who is in the best shape of his life
Be the man who is playing with their kids at the end of the day
Be the man who moves through the day with focus and direction
Be the man who handles life’s logistics and doesn’t rely on your spouse
Even if most men don’t.
Let me and this program show you how to be this version of yourself.
Here’s Exactly What you Get when you join Men’s Work.
Men’s Work is an online group coaching program and community of men dedicated to doing inner work.
We will meet once a week for a 90-minute call. On this call you will get lessons around the core principles of the course:
Shifting out of cruise control of your life
Maintaining integrity
Home management
We will share triumphs and challenges from the previous week and set goals and intentions for the week ahead.
You will have daily breath work practices that will help shift old patterns, beliefs, and reconnect you to yourself and increase your capacity. These practices will change every 2 weeks.
I will send you three workouts each week to help you optimize your health
The calls will be recorded and sent to you in case you want to revisit the material or can’t make it live.
The cost: One payment of $499 ($100 discount) or 3 payments of $199 ($597 total).
Becoming the man who is deeply happy, free, in love, playful, and on purpose is possible even if you currently hate your job, never have sex, are too exhausted to play with your kids, and feel lost and stuck in your life.
Just give me 40 days, and I’ll guide you to becoming the man you’ve always wanted to be and somehow lost along the way.
I hope to see you in Men’s Work.
Hundreds of Men have taken Men's Work.
Most of them are normal, professional men who have never done inner work before, been a part of a Men's group or spent money on their personal growth. All of them reported that they were so happy they decided to join. Here's what some of them have to say...
The next round starts in Spring 2025. Please enter your information below to be notified when the course begins.

This program is meant to be simple, and fit into your busy life.

Becoming the man who is deeply happy, free, in love, playful, and on purpose is possible even if you currently hate your job, never have sex, are too exhausted to play with your kids, and feel lost and stuck in your life.
Just give me 40 days, and I’ll guide you to becoming the man you’ve always wanted to be and somehow lost along the way.
I hope to see you in Men’s Work.
I work full-time, how the hell am I going to be able to fit in one more thing?
I created Men’s Work with working men in mind. You don’t have to quit your job or go on a 6 month sabbatical to achieve a massive transformation in your life. Your life is full, but it feels overwhelming because you’re spinning your wheels on a lot of shit. Let me help you cut the fluff. You can listen to the Men’s Work recordings while on the way to work or while you run on the treadmill.
Why do I need to work on myself?
I get this question a lot as I’ve started talking to men about the importance of doing inner work. As men, we are often on autopilot. We are conditioned to accept the world around us as it is. We are taught that emotions and feelings should be buried and not expressed. The problem is that this creates feelings of being trapped and stuck in a life that is just mediocre. If suppressed for long enough, these emotions will find a way out in your relationships, career, and family. Once you begin to acknowledge and break free from the patterns that confine you and keep you playing small, you are able to create a truly amazing life.
My wife sent me this website, what’s it all about?
The long and short of it is, is that your wife is growing and evolving and she wants a partner who recognizes the importance of growth and emotionally evolving. Women are no longer just settling for a man to provide a roof over their heads, dinner on the table, and sperm for kids. They can get all of that without you.
Your wife is looking for a partner who she can dream with, grow, and share a life of fulfilling adventures, and passionate sex. She doesn’t want to settle for an empty body around the house. She wants all of you as a man, husband, and father.
Men’s Work is the first step to discovering that life is more than just a 9-5 job, kids, and a house.
Can I get my money back?
I believe strongly in this program and its ability to change your life. If you’re not satisfied with this program after 2 weeks, please email info@jonathanbrajtbord.com. All you have to do is show us your completed homework pages and we’ll issue a refund.