If you're a professional guy that looks like you have it all together, but you're actually completely overwhelmed, join me for
Just trying to keep it together:
A seminar for men who haven't told anyone that they are struggling

Has always tried to do the right thing — who worked hard in school, went to a good college, and got a good-paying, responsible job…. Maybe you tried to follow the rules and do what other men were doing — you married the woman you loved, you had children, and you bought the house.
And you continue to try and be the good man, even though you’re exhausted.
And yet, everyone seems to be unhappy and pissed at you.
Your wife feels dissatisfied and whatever you’re doing can’t seem to be enough. And I’m sure you feel like you just can’t do it anymore. You’re tapped. You’re at capacity. You’ve been trying to follow the rules, you’ve been trying to do it right, but honestly, you’re just trying to keep it together.
I want you to know that most men feel this way, and I have worked with hundreds of men to support them in creating a life where they are thriving, feel supported by other men, increase their capacity to hold their family, and are deeply proud of their career and purpose.
To learn how, get instant access to my seminar:

As a physician, father of 3 kids, and husband to a big energy entrepreneur and spiritual leader, I know what it’s like to have your life look good on the outside, but on the inside, I was barely keeping it together.
I was depressed, could never seem to make my wife happy, I easily snapped at my kids, and my health (something I had always taken for granted) began to deteriorate.
I went into medicine to help people heal, but how could I do that if I was barely keeping it together? I searched and searched, and I realized that there was a very simple practice that most men weren’t doing it. In fact, they were afraid of it — and so was I.
But when I finally opened myself the smallest bit, my entire life changed. And it changed FAST.
Having a life where you feel appreciated, prosperous, healthy, on purpose, and full of freedom is possible — but not without doing this one thing.